Been a while

31 01 2011

0052 hrs

Study Table, Home (Cantonment Close).

Well, its been quite a while since I last blogged, hasn’t it!? 🙂 Since I have started working I have become so busy that I dont know what to do and what not to do! There are so many things happening in my life and I think its high time I prioritize. I remember that as a student I used to set weekly or monthly goals and more often than not achive those targets.

But since I have started working I have realized how much less time I have to myself! Working a 8 to 5 job sucks so much time out of your life! But slowly I am learning how to maximize the time I have and instead of weekly goals or monthly ones, I have set myself half yearly goals! :p

And I am happy to announce that I have successfully achieved my first one. I got my first DSLR. After a lot of intensive research I bought the Nikon D7000. I hope I get time to use it though! 🙂

So anyways, I will keep it short for this time & hopefully my next post wont be too far away.

Gong Xi Fa Cai 🙂

0103 hrs

Study Table, half sleepy.