NUS Graduate Students’ Society presents “NUS Welcome Party ’09”

13 01 2009


Quick Update

10 01 2009

January 9th 2009, Friday

2358hrs, Dining table@Home.

Been a bit busy last few days so wasnt able to post anything. Anyways today I thought I would just post some quick update before going to bed. Need to wake up early tomorrow!

Well today was pretty interesting. Most of the day had GSS (Graduate Students’ Society)  work at NUS! In the afternoon went to the International Student Orientation. Good opportunity to meet new grad students and make friends. We also promoted GSS and its events. Our next event is NUS WELCOME PARTY 2009 at Bora Bora Club, Sentosa on 24th January 2009 ( Any of you interested??) ! So yeah, we sold a few tickets for the party and also got people to become members of GSS.

Met this girl from India……super-cute!!!….Hopefully I will see her around somewhere in campus! :p …hehe

After that we packed up our booth, counted the money we made (I think arnd 800 dollars), gobbled some free food that was there and then made a move to GSS room. We had a meeting at 6pm. We discussed about the party and other events we were planning for this semester.

We decided probably to go for a cultural trip to Malaysia in Feb. Everyone suggested a lot of places. Michelle suggested A Famosa. So I guess most probably we are going there! (Anyone been there?) Btw we are going to Bali in summer…fully sponsored trip..yaaay!!

This is the last weekend of holidays…from Monday got classes!!….and GSS work!!…but I will try to post regularly….thats it for now (Its short by my standards I knw 🙂 )

0013hrs, Still dining table

January 10th, 2009, Saturday.