Just another day & truth about the KP “switch-hit”

23 12 2008

22nd December 2008, Monday

2359hrs, Home.

I woke up at 3:49pm to Avi’s phone call. He told me he would come by my place later in the evening to get some software from me as he was doing his sister’s Final Year Project! Geek! I suddenly realised that the house didnt look like civilisation, it was really messy. So I decided to clean up the house as I have no hope from either of my two flatmates of any cleaning help. ( Sreejith too busy and mostly locked up in his own room, and Vishnu is supposedly busy, I dont know busy with what though!).

Took me some time to clean up the house after which I took a nice shower and sat down to watch some cricket. Yuvraj played well in the end on a rather boring day of play. It was as if he was replying to the sledging he got from the English players with his bat rather than his mouth. Kevin Pietersen had called him a pie-chucker balling left arm filth!!…HAHAAHA..!!

And yeah there is something I have to share here..before i forget it. Yesterday Vishnu told me that he had invented the ” Switch-Hit” while he used to play cricket as a child to tackle negative bowling!!… Its sad that its Kevin Pietersen who is taking away the credit when Vishnu Prasad should be getting it! (Hope that through my blog people will realise who really invented the shot.) And I wonder what he is doing here in Singapore, he deserves to be in the Indian Team with such hidden cricket talent in him.

Anyhow after the match got over I made myself some coffee and went online to research on places near Singapore where we could go for Chinese New Year holidays for a mini-getaway. After some discussion on Agastya’s Blog we shortlisted 2 places in malaysia- Langkawi Islands and Mulu Caves!! Still havent decided where but I guess it will be between these two, whichever is cheaper! I personally would love to go to Mulu Caves! Did you know there lies the world’s largest underground chamber, the Sarawak Chamber, capable of accommodating Forty Fucking Boeing 747 airplanes!!!! Here is a pic of the chamber, small part of it!!!


Anyways after that I was getting bored so I made some experimental fried rice dish for dinner. It turned out to be awesome.A few minutes later, Vishnu also supposedly got ” an idea” to cook something after seeing my dish. He fumbled around in the kitchen cooking his dish after that, but I didnt really care what he was doing, as I was eatching (eating food+watching show simultaneously, now a habit) Blackadder and Dexter! Blackadder is an awesome show! Highly Recommended! Go eatch it today!

Today I plan to go early to bed since I have to wake up early tomorrow to help Avinash with Saree-shopping at Mustafa!! He promised that if I accompany him to buy sarees he would buy me dinner! I am jobless anyways nowadays, so what the heck, for a free meal I am ok to go with him to buy sarees also!



23rd December 2008.